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Website redesign

Lead Designer

Helix BioStructures specializes in early drug discovery and provides a dedicated focus in therapeutic exploration, physical characterization, protein synthesis, and related software development. Providing unmatched quality, efficiency, and affordability, Helix makes the drug discovery pipeline accessible to all.


The goal of the redesign was to reflect their expertise and stand out from their competitors. They needed a site that informed potential clients without overwhelming them with specifics—we are talking about atomic particles here. 


The project included a website redesign, a visual identity system for their marketing materials, and accessible guides for each core service.

Helix BioStructures "About Us" and "Services" website pages
Mobile view of Helix BioStructures website redesign
Downloadable guides for Helix BioStructures' drug-discovery services
Desktop view of Helix BioStructures website redesign
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